Friday, October 26, 2007

WWIII on the march

This week there has been a steady drum beat of alignment of forces marching up to World War III. Putin has said that an attack on Iran is an attack on Russia, thereby aligning his country against the US ( We are once again foes with Russia.

Then today I see a story about a leaked plan from Cheney on how the war with Iran should start. First, Israel sends missiles into Iran to attack their supposed nuclear sites. Sound familiar? They just did this with Syria! The plan goes on, that when Iran retaliates and strikes Israel, the US will step in to defend its allie. This is fuckin rediculous! Read it: ( And now, the next step in the game is that Russia will support Iran with god knows what! Troops? Weapons? Long-range strikes against the US homeland?

Why are we doing this? What possible benefit is there for this world?

Fucking Christ! Will someone PLEASE stop Bush & Cheney!!

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