Wednesday, April 30, 2008

From my dad...

Kids: This is a sad commentary. My late friend Eddie Hall was a WWII vet who happened to be a black man (born and reared in Sacramento). Eddie had a high school education and a wealth of practical, worldly wisdom. One day we were talking about the internal politics of the “black community” in Sacramento and he told me that generally speaking, the most corrupt political leaders in the black community were the pastors. He said you can tell which ones they were because the always dressed real fancy and had nice cars. His theory was that powerful “white folks” bought off the pastors to keep the black folks in line. In that spirit, Eddie claimed the pastors would lead them out on proverbial wild goose chases, instead of doing the homework needed to advance their community economically and socially.

Eddie’s been dead about 7 years. I haven’t thought of Eddie for a long time, but when I saw the footage of Rev. Wright’s assault on Obama’s candidacy and he made his aside about a book that he will publish later this year, the light went off. The question the bloggers need to find out is, who is going to publish the book and how much of an advance payment have they already made to Wright.

When you have the answers to those two questions, you will know why Wright is trying to bring Obama down. It may be that Judas Iscariot has nothing on Rev. Wright. I suspect it’s a publishing company owed by our fascist friend Rupert Murdoch. He has a long history of trying to corrupt politics through book deals (for example, former speakers Wright and Gingrich). Uncovering this information quickly may save us from Hillary-gate redux. There’s about 4 days to do it in. Any suggestions on how it could be uncovered?