Friday, December 7, 2007

Ron Paul & Dennis Kucinich Ticket

It's time. Let's face it. The best candidates for the future of our Country are Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. They would change the face of politics and the course of humanity if either of them were elected. But neither of them will be. They will both lose their party's primary election. It's going to happen. Face it.

But will the revolution die? When Ron Paul loses the primary, will that be the end? Does it have to be?

I don't think so. If one thing has been made perfectly clear in his campaign, its that he is not as important as his ideas and the hundreds of thousands of people who support them. He has raised as much, if not more, than all of his fellow Republican candidates, due to our financial support, and our belief in his message. We have given him nearly $12 million dollars in this last quarter of fundraising (maybe more come Dec 16th). Could we not do the same in the general election?

Ross Perot showed us in 1992 that if you have money, you can be a contender in the Presidential Election. Well how much are you willing to risk to make that a reality? Are you willing to risk Hillary's pre-determined victory on it? Does the possibility that Giuliani or Huckabee or Romney could be our next President scare you enough? Are our ideals worth that risk?

Yes. That situation is the very reason why we NEED Ron Paul. How many "lesser than two evils" voting cycles do we have to go through? How many more terrorism, 9/11, WWIII tirades do we have to hear? When we are too scared to vote anything but for Hillary for fear that a pro-war Republican might achieve victory, then we have already lost. When we have two choices, "Bad" and "Worse", then we have no choice. We NEED Ron Paul. Our Country NEEDS Ron Paul.

And what better ticket to have than a Paul / Kucinich? Or Kucinich / Paul? I don't care who is the President and who is Veep. But would it work? Could their message resonate to a large enough audience to upset the establishment election? I don't know the answer to that. But at this point, I'm willing to give it a shot!

Are you?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lying Liars

Can someone please explain to me why exactly you're not allowed to call the President and his administration liars? Seriously. They lied. They lied about Iraq, and they've been lying about Iran. Unfortunately we didn't uncover their lies about Iraq until after we invaded them. But thankfully, this time, we have proof that they've been lying about Iran for at least a couple of months. Yet nobody in the MSM will call Bush on it. They all spin their questions of him to ask if this NIE "discredits" or "downplays" what Bush has been saying the last few months. Nobody that I've seen has used the word "lie".

Except for liberal blogs and online news of course... Like at Huffington Post:

Friday, November 9, 2007

It's the economy, stupid!

I know we've seen this before. Back when Reagan was in office, there were corporate accounting scandals, (the Savings & Loan stuff). After the excesses of the 80's, Bush the first had to deal with a recession. And here were are now, 20 years later, with the son of Bush. He outdoes Reagan's spending and our deficits. We have more corporate accounting scandals than we can keep track of. Now our economy is tanking and we're heading for another recession. Nobody wants to say it, but it seems obvious to me.

The next President, unlike Bush, will inherit a disastrous economy. Bush has ruined this country like he ruined the many corporations he tried to run previously. But this failing economy will fall square on the shoulders of the next elected President. For it will be his/her duty to fix the broken economy. And when that President is unable to do so fast enough, their legacy will be their failure.

So they are tied to Bush. Their sole job is to fix what Bush has done. Get us out of Iraq. Make some peace in the Middle East and bring us back from the brink of WWIII. Fix our ailing economy. Fix our standing in the world. That is their legacy..

Who's up for it?

Barack Obama or Ron Paul?

So I'm a progressive liberal, (if you can't tell). I've been supporting Barack Obama in the Democratic primary. He's been preaching change, and has a record to show that he believes what he is talking about, and will do something about it (unlike Hillary who will continue the status quo). And he's been speaking out against war and how to deal peaceably with the world.

I'm also pessimistic about our government. I've known for quite some time that our government is broken. We have a corporate controlled (fascist) government, run largely by the military-industrial complex. We spend something like 60-70% of our annual federal budget on defense. At the same time Bush is pouring billions of our yet-to-be-collected dollars into wars in the middle east while our national needs aren't being met. We have bridges collapsing and health care for poor kids being vetoed.

I've long felt that our federal government needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the foundation up. The foundation laid out by our founding father's was a good one. It's what we've built on top of it that needs be torn down. And soon!

And that's where Ron Paul comes in to play. I know that he is a Libertarian at heart, meaning he believes in freedom and liberty over government control. That extends to everything, even those government programs like helping to provide healthcare to poor kids. While I think that having those types of programs is good for this country, I think that my feelings for what is right with our government is being far overshadowed by what is wrong with our government. And so the idea of having a president who works to cut down our government, however he can, is appealing to me. I just want to be sure the first programs he focuses on cutting are not social ones, but military ones.

Ron Paul has said that the US needs to pull all of its forces from abroad, and focus on ourselves. If we eliminate the need to police the world, like he says, then our needs to spend billions on the military drops. That's the military-industrial complex being slashed, which is a great thing!

After Ron Paul has had 4 or 8 years of hacking our federal government to iddy-biddy pieces, then we can refocus on building it again. Once the bloat is gone, we can build those programs that we feel we need for our society, not ones our military industries say we need. Not ones that corporate interests say we need. Ones we actually need. That's the point where the Democrats should be in control.

So it's coming time that I have to decide. Obama is still my Democrat. But Ron Paul is only slightly behind him on my list of favorites. And I only have a short time before I must change my voter registration to "Decline to State" in order to vote for Ron Paul. Otherwise I'm locked in to Obama. What to do....

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Is the Internet destroying politics?

I'm a political junkie. My father was involved in regional politics when I was a kid, and I just grew to love it. I'm my father's son, I guess. But my interest in politics has always been from the sidelines for the most part. It wasn't until Bush became our President, (the son, not the father), that I became somewhat more active. I participated in protests against the PATRIOT Act, and the Iraq war before it started. I became a Dean follower in 2004. And that's when I started having this feeling of hopelessness that turned into despair when Kerry won the nomination, and lost his bid for the White House.

I didn't watch the news again until 2006.

This year, I've noticed a similar scenario playing out. I am excited and invigorated by a few candidates that I feel actually want to change our political system for the better. For the Democrats I'm hoping for Barack Obama to win. But for a favored candidate, I'm eying Ron Paul.

The changes Paul wants to make to our Federal Government are so extreme, that I find myself in awe that I am considering supporting him. And as a democrat it's strange to think about supporting a Republican. But for me, at least until Obama beats Hillary, I have no other choice. I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. Period. So I split my support, and my money, between Paul and Obama.

But this is what worries me. Not about Ron Paul, but about internet supporters like me for any of the candidates. I'm excited because Paul is saying what we want to hear, and what we know needs to be done to our government--at least to some extent. But as we all know deep in our hearts, his chances of winning the nomination are slim to none--which, some say, is why he's willing to say the things he says. But with his failure grows our despair. Undoubtedly a candidate we cannot support will win the nomination. A candidate that doesn't see the dread and despair of the population with politics as usual. For me, that candidate is Hillary.

So I lose faith in politics. As I'm sure thousands of others will as well. It's our own fault. I'm to blame as well. For as much as I support a candidate on the internet, and through my small $25 donations, it doesn't translate into "real world" success. I don't know why, or how even to change that. In the meantime, I lose, my candidate loses, and our country loses.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Fascist World

There are a lot of things going on in this world right now which scare most people. So much that it's hard to grasp what is actually happening. Most people have no idea, or they would be incredibly scared; more than they are now. We are on course for a fascist world.

And here's how.

Let's take each issue facing us to day one by one and figure out the different positions. I will start with Health care.

Health insurance is expensive. So much so, that most people can't afford it, or it takes a large chunk of their income. Luckily, most working people are employed by companies who can afford health insurance for its employees. Thereby making the burden on the employee much less than if they had to pay for it themselves.

There is a push right now for "Universal" health care, which is run by the government, ensuring that all citizens of the US have health care coverage. This sounds like a great thing, that a country is rich enough to take care of its citizens. So why would people be opposed to it? Let's figure that out.

First off, if you work for a company that provides health insurance, you don't need the government to provide it. But now you are dependent on your job. Without a job, you lose your insurance. You're on your own. So you need your job for more than just to put food on your table and a roof over your head. You need to stay an employee of a company that has health insurance. If the government gives you health care for free, then you lose an incentive to work for a company. One of their shackles is broken.

In other words, Universal healthcare is a threat to the power and control of corporations. If it is successfully blocked from happening, then it is a sure sign of corporate influence over our government, and so a sign of fascism.

So does that mean that any candidate who pushes for universal healthcare is a fascist? Well no, but if you look at some proposals out there, you can tell which ones take corporate interests to heart, and which ones take human interests above anything else.

I'll post more fascism in our government later...

Friday, October 26, 2007

WWIII on the march

This week there has been a steady drum beat of alignment of forces marching up to World War III. Putin has said that an attack on Iran is an attack on Russia, thereby aligning his country against the US ( We are once again foes with Russia.

Then today I see a story about a leaked plan from Cheney on how the war with Iran should start. First, Israel sends missiles into Iran to attack their supposed nuclear sites. Sound familiar? They just did this with Syria! The plan goes on, that when Iran retaliates and strikes Israel, the US will step in to defend its allie. This is fuckin rediculous! Read it: ( And now, the next step in the game is that Russia will support Iran with god knows what! Troops? Weapons? Long-range strikes against the US homeland?

Why are we doing this? What possible benefit is there for this world?

Fucking Christ! Will someone PLEASE stop Bush & Cheney!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Folsom Dam Memorial

So I was on Digg this morning and saw a post for the latest Onion video news story. I nearly spewed coffee on my monitor as it played....

Preemptive Memorial Honors Future Victims Of Imminent Dam Disaster

If you don't know, (and why would you), I grew up in Folsom. And my parents were involved in city politics, including my dad used to be Mayor. So this video especially hit home (on my funny bone)! :)

And another great video from them:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

WTF Hillary???

Let me first say that my political dreams match up pretty closely to Dennis Kucinich's platform. However, I'm supporting Obama in the Democratic primaries. Just so you know where I'm coming from... It's not that I don't like Kucinich. It's just that....well, we can't always achieve our dreams. Sometimes we have to settle for what is achievable. Not that Obama is settling. I think he'll be one of our greatest Presidents. Am I such a dreamer?

But WTF is Hillary doing? She just said she would not take an attack on Iran off the table, and that we must prevent them from going nuclear at all costs! WTF?? She also said earlier in the primaries that a nuclear strike was not ruled out! I'm sorry.. Did the alien parasite that infects George W. Bush just spread to Hillary Clinton? I mean I was at a total loss why she voted to name the Iranian Republican Guard a terrorist organization. That basically gives George W. the power to attack Iran under his authorization in 2001 to fight the war on "terror"... But now, just in case Bush doesn't follow through, Hillary is saying that she might!? WTF???

How does she have support of so many of these Democrats who were so anti-war in 2006?? Now she's saying she'll be as tough as Dubya, and everyone is like "Yeah! You go grrl!!"

I'm disappointed. I thought we had grown as an electorate. I thought we'd grown as a nation to realize our mistakes of aggression. Am I the minority who thinks we should follow a policy of avoiding war at all costs? My dream of the 21st century is for international peace and unity. For mankind to better itself, and embrace our differences. Not attack people on them. Maybe I should stick to dreaming....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Welcome, welcome! I'm Jason. This is my 2nd blog attempt (outside of myspace anyway). I used to have another blogger blog, never posted more than about 2 posts. That was like 2 years ago though. Now it's different! I swear....

So I'm 32, live in San Diego, and am a web developer during the day. Currently I am working with a team to build our website It's a website for people looking to learn something fun, like how to play the guitar, or dance. We have LOTS of teachers around the US who are looking for students, and they post a lot of instructional videos to our site. You should definitely check it out!

I don't have a whole lot of "free" time in my life right now. Most of it is spent with either my boyfriend, or at work. When I do have time to myself, I usually am on the internet reading Digg, or maybe playing Wii. Sometimes, when it's nice out, I'll go down to the beach.

My main interests in life are music and politics. Both have been major parts of my life since I was a kid. I find national politics to be both completely fascinating, and utterly depressing. But I can't get enough of it. Obama 2008!!

Music is life. There's not a day goes by that music isn't playing in my ears. I am a sound engineer, although not really by trade much anymore. I studied it in school and got degrees in recording arts and music industry. I went on the Vans Warped Tour in 2005 & 2006 as the FOH engineer and stage manager for the Ernie Ball stage. It was a blast!! One of the best experiences of my life. But the music business is changing a lot these days, and there's not a whole lot of money in it. Especially as an engineer. And I didn't want to be on the road for the rest of my life. So now I do web development. Something that I've been doing since about 1997.

Well, that's me in a nut shell. I will try to post more on here as the days and months continue on. So welcome! And I hope you enjoyed reading post #1!