Friday, August 22, 2008

Gonig to Denver

So I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I'm sitting in the airport about to embark on a crazy adventure to Denver for the Democratic National Convention. I've been a supporter of Obama since the beginning. It was over a year ago that I volunteered at the state convention here in San Diego. I was still a new resident of this beautiful city by the ocean. I was lucky then. I just on a whim went down to volunteer and ended up guarding one of the doors onto the main floor. From my post I was able to listen to Hillary, Obama, Dodd, and Kucinich. I missed Edwards, but I had enough of an idea of who he was from the last election, and knew he wasn't my guy. After listening to each candidate I knew Obama was our best shot at not just winning the White House, but of taking out country back from the right wing war mongerring of the last 8 years

I remember having such optimism for this new millenia back in 2000, even with Bush's illegitimate claiming of victory. That hope and optimism was quickly wiped out after 9/11, and the PATRIOT act, and Iraq, and Guantanamo, and Abu Gahrab, and civil war in Iraq, and Katrina, and 5000 American service members killed, and tens of thousands seriously wounded, and illegal wire-tapping, and political firings at the justice department, and the Valarie Plame scandal, and Scooter Libby, and KARL ROVE....

But I digress. I could go on ad naseum. The point is, Obama has brought that hope and optimism back, and that's the reason I'm out here in Denver. To support him for President.

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